[Free Class] Handmade Happy Program Day 2: Handmade Soaps

This is a long overdue post.^^

2nd day of the Handmade Happy Program at the Dongjakgu Jawonbongsa Center.

It was a very busy and tiring day. From the dicing of the soap bar, melting, mixing, pouring, dicing again, melting, mixing….. waaaah! Then after that we had to remove the soaps from the molds one by one, then pack it with in clear plastic and put a sticker on it.  (-_-)



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Next batch of soaps. Clear Soap

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The first batch of soaps made by our group. Looks yummy and cute, right?


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I think each group made more than 60 pieces of soap. But the instructor only gave 6 pieces of soap to every participant. And the most annoying things was the soaps that she gave were not the ones that our group made!

I was really disappointed that day… and even up to now…hehehe

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Maybe, the soaps that we made will be used as gifts or giveaways by the 스포츠 권익센터…

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Unique Birthday Gift

I celebrated my birthday few days ago and received the most unique and special gift from my loving husband, an automatic soap dispenser! Hohoho

It was my first time to receive a soap dispenser as a gift in my 28 years of existence. Haha.




I know what my husband wants to tell me about this gift. He wants me to be more diligent in washing the dishes! :p

So if you want have a unique gift for your loved ones, I suggest this automatic soap dispenser. Haha

Advance Happy New Year everyone!♥